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Yö Fest -International performance art event "Mental Turbulence" 6–7.5.2022 at Yö Gallery, Helsinki

Yö Fest - International performance art event "Mental Turbulence" organized by Non Grata / Yö

2 nights performance event in Helsinki city center - Yõ Galleria, Lönnrotinkatu 33 - collects international performers together on Post Pandemic Reality next to ongoing III World War with Vertical Borders on the theme Mental Turbulence.

Mental turbulence is a direct reflection of the current social situation. It is a state of confusion for a person who is struggling to understand things / surroundings. In this condition, the person is not able to make a proper decision according to the situation. Permanent disturbances may occur. How is our current society able to make vital decisions in this psychophysical space? Do artists have to offer society alternative solutions and operating models? Can a divine secondary modeling system, using mental turbulence, through its vast reality laser printer, create a modern alchemical equation that eliminates world problems and creates a new, natural and human-friendly world.

Curator Al Paldrok

*** Friday May 6 at 8pm

Artists: Joseph Ravens (USA)

Maija Kivi

Joonas Jokiranta

Tomasz Szrama

Hilse Vais (EST): Eliise Saar Mona Tarn Sandra Vahala Kadi Põder Meeli Seermaa Marlene Leppänen Greta Altmets

VJ Mister X (EST)

DJ Steve Vanoni


Saturday May 7 at 8pm


Steve Vanoni (USA)

Kaspar Rabby (EST)

Inari Virmakoski

Non Grata (INT): Anonymous Boh Devil Girl Hobo VJ Mister X Girlpower Princess Horse Cow

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