Early Actions 1993–1997
Painting And Washing, outdoor action with Monika Zywer at the Wrocław Market Square, Poland 1993
Photos by Maciek Myrdzio

Artist's Income-Outcome, action at the Students dormitory, Wrocław, Poland 1993
Photos by Maciek Myrdzio

Lyric Poetry, Epic, Drama my first conscious performance and decision, that I need to be present in my art. Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, Poland, 1995

A Toast to Your Idol participatory actions that were an attempt to connect the audience with my art.
Gallery of Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław and during one week long performance by Tomasz Szrama, Honorata Mochalska, Andrzej Błachut in Warsaw School of Design, Poland, 1997

Home Space series of actions by Tomasz Szrama, Honorata Mochalska, Andrzej Błachut in which we claimed our room in various public spaces. Poland 1996–1997