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FNAF 4th Festival of Naked Forms in Prague 31.8–2.9.2018

Festival of Naked Forms /FNAF/ is a mono-thematic multi-genre festival with a predictable and yet inconceivable subject matter. The title alone reveals the aim of the various events and perhaps liberates us from being overly fixated on the topic. We can overcome our shame at home and then experience the other meanings that nudity may have in different contexts and interpretations. FNAF, which in its first three years took place in the space of Perla Divus in Vrané nad Vltavou, was specific in one thing - there were more men working with their nakedness than women. In the fourth year we would like to preserve the stereotype and we choose the topic of Naked female body. We feel the need to sum up and revise the topic of naked female body after the upsurge of resistance against sexism and the Mee Too campaign. The festival is organized in cooperation with the Karlín Studios and Kasárna Karlín. The festival is organized with financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. Umělci/ artists: Katri Kainulainen (FIN) Maximilan Latva (FIN) Anna Steller (PL) Tomasz Szrama (FIN) Michela Montrasio (IT) Dagmar I.Glausnitzer (D) Theodor di Ricco (D) Amy Klements (D) Ola Koziol (PL) Dariusz Fodczuk (PL) Johannes Gerard (D) Gaby Bila-Günther (D) Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz (D) Lan Hungh (D) Ania Kazimierczak (PL) Ioku Ero Nikaido (Hong Kong) Josef Daněk a Blahoslav Rozbořil Martin Zet Darina Alster Kača Olivová František Kowolovski Vladimír Havlík Jana Orlová Barbora Mikudová Lili Skřivánková Newkus (Sara Wollasch, Barbora Smékalová) Markéta Garai Hana Poislová Karolína Kohoutková

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