28–29.7.2023 from 1pm till 1am
Gumnäsin juhlapaikka, Gumnäsintie, 10420 Pohjankuru, Raasepori , Finland
Aletheia Fest ’23 is an art festival organised the fourth time in the village of Pohja (Raasepori) on Friday the 28th and Saturday 29th of July 2023 from 1pm to 1am. The festival brings together different forms of art such as cinema, video art, visual art, music, media art, dance, performance as well as outdoor art installations and sculptures.
On Friday 28 July Totuus Film Fest (free of charge) from 3pm until 9pm, starting with an interdisciplinary theatre performance and on Saturday 29 July from 1pm to 1am the multidisciplinary festival day.
The theme of Aletheia Fest ’23 is Tradition.
The multidisciplinary art works and the uniquely beautiful setting guarantee a memorable cultural experience for guests. Food and drink will be on sale during the festival.
Fee 20€ / Children under 12 free of charge. Please buy your tickets in advance: https://www.eventbrite.fi/.../aletheia-fest-23-tickets...
13.00-13.30 Iiro Komulainen 13.30-14.00 Vainaja 14.00-15.00 Iiro Komulainen 15.00-15.30 Alena Tereshko 15.30-16.00 Katja Juhola, Hugo Peña & Jukka Juhola 16.00-16.30 Anton Wiraeus 16.30-17.00 Joonas Jokiranta 17.00-17.30 Tomasz Szrama 17.45-18.15 10e sipulimeinings 18.30-19.00 Five penny black magic 19.15-19.45 Jyrki Nissinen & Ötzicrew 20.00-20.30 tyhjiø 20.45-21.15 Twile feat. Laura Lehtola 21.30-22.00 [ówt krì] + Sonja Peuhkurinen & Lauri Peltonen 22.15-23.00 Mazatronics 23.00-0.30 Savupiippu-ukko
VISUAL ARTS Ida Palojärvi Pauliina Korpi Samu Nyholm VaVa -duo Anton Wiraeus
HOW TO GET THERE: Aletheia Fest '23 is organized in a natural environment, next to sea side at Gumnäs festival venue. (Address: Gumnäsintie, 10420 Pohjankuru, Raasepori.) You can arrive with your own car or alternatively by public transport, for example via Karjaa.
There is a bus connection from Karjaa station to the centre of Pohja: https://opas.waltti.fi/ There are also local taxi drivers if you need transportation for example from Karjaa railway station: • Leif Lindman +358 400 84 0390 • Roger Hafström +358 400 201 992 • Taxi Paavo Porkka +358 400 47 1633
ACCOMMODATION NEAR THE FESTIVAL VENUE: If you are looking for accommodation near the venue: • www.kisakeskus.fi • www.nordcenter.fi • www.villataika.fi • www.airbnb.fi • It is also possible to camp around the festival area.
Aletheia Fest '23 is supported by: Sophie von Julins Stiftelse, Raaseporin kaupunki, Eugène, Elisabeth och Birgit Nygréns stiftelse, Stiftelsen för Ekenäs Sparbank